... there is 8.320 Dry Storage Containers (DSCs) to bring into deep rocksalt in Canada
the 2nd biggest amount of nuclear waste on earth ! ? it will cost 150.240 CAD per DSC
to store the spent Candu fuel into deep safe rocksalt geological repository in Canada.
DBHD 1.4.1 Canada with 832 DSCs was confirmed in a thermodynamic way by Dr. Herres
AND Geologist Ms. Johnson found " Dorchester 1 drill data " - rocksalt geology confirmed
NEW - Dr. Herres calculated the " temperatur elevation within 1.4.1 with + 80°C " - NEW
>>> DBHD 1.4.1 Canada - with the special „Canada-Pellet“
Each DBHD stores 832 DSCs containers in a deep, safe, closeable
nuclear repository in rocksalt New Brunswick and or Nova Scotia
Only a 250 Mio. yrs old geology can do nuclear repository
We humans can only build temporary entrance buildings ...
Mr. Goebel,
Thank you.
I would like your permission to print DBHD 1.4.1 as a poster and display it in our hallway so that students can see it.
We hope that all the figure and lettering are of high enough resolution.
We will try to print it 1.5-1.8 meters in length and maintain the aspect ratio.
Thank you.
Akira Tokuhiro
This is the actual technical drawing of DBHD 1.4.1 Canada
a very efficient nuclear repository plan with 832 DSC's per
DBHD column - Locations : New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
The tech. drawing are over-worked now. - Thermodynamics are OK
confirmation by Dr. G. Herres / a real genius calculating physicist !!
Dr. G. Herres / Physicist and Expert in thermodynamic
calculations took the challenge on to calculate DBHD
Canada 1.4.1, based on the decay heat data that was
given to us by NWMO, and based on the storage geo-
metrie in DBHD. Start Value : 0,98 MW from 832 DSCs
He calculated the maximum temperature elevation
with 80 °C, and showed their decay over distance in
meters and time. - You always have to add the 63 °C
from the deep environment means = 143 °C Total on
the edge of concrete-pellet to deep rocksalt geology.
as rocksalt might be a new host rock geology for you
in Canada we have to make you aware about the heat
conductivity parameters. Calculate with 4,5 W/m*K
Dr. G. Herres / Physicist and Expert in thermodynamic
calculations took the challenge on to calculate DBHD
Canada 1.4.1, based on the decay heat data that was
given to us by NWMO, and based on the storage geo-
metrie in DBHD. Start Value : 0,98 MW from 832 DSCs
He calculated the maximum temperature elevation
with 80 °C, and showed their decay over distance in
meters and time. - You always have to add the 63 °C
from the deep environment means = 143 °C Total on
the edge of concrete-pellet to deep rocksalt geology.
>>> Final Calculation for DBHD 1.4.1 Canada nuclear repository ready now - Final
in the 3 rd approach - using the efficient Canadian DSC storage pellet - that is an
investment OPG, Bruce, NB Power is able to do - it is time for geological storage !
Only a 250 Mio. yrs old geology can do nuclear repository
We humans can only build temporary entrance buildings ...
>>> the required rocksalt geology for DBHD 1.4.1 Canada was found
there is big, deep rocksalt in New Brunswick for nuclear repository
give a big hand to Government Super Geologist Ms. Susan Johnson
04.04.2019 - RESPECT - best regards to New Brunswick / Canada
Please send your opinion on DBHD 1.4.1 Canada nuclear repository plan to NMWO :
S'il vous plaît envoyez votre opinion à DBHD 1.4.1 plan de dépôt nucléaire Canada à NMWO :
pgierszewski@nwmo.ac - Dr. Paul Gierszewski / Safety Case Leader at NWMO
bbelfadhel@nwmo.ac - Mr. Ben Belfadhel / Site Selection at NWMO
bwatts@nwmo.ac - Mr. Bob Watts / Indigenous Relations at NWMO
dwilson@nwmo.ac - Mr. Derek Wilson / Chief Engineer Safety Case
contactus@nwmo.ac - General Email Adress of Nuclear Waste Managem. Orga.
dtaylor@nwmo.ac - Mr. Doug Taylor / Vice President / Gen. Counsel at NWMO
gkossivas@nwmo.ac - Ms. Georgina Kossivas / Chief Financial Officer NWMO
jspragge@nwmo.ac - Ms. Jennifer Spragge / HR and Ethics at NWMO
lswami@nwmo.ac - Ms. Laurie Swami / CEO at NWMO
lfrizzell@nwmo.ac - Ms. Lisa Frizzell / Stakeholder Relations at NWMO
mhung@nwmo.ac - Mr. Michael Hung / Risk Officer / Strategist at NWMO
mion@nwmo.ac - Ms. Mihaela Ion / Conference organisator at NWMO
Please do some reading and more reading before you send your opinion.
Be straight but friendly - these people are only trying /doing their jobs.
Better you base your opinion on facts - be constructive - help us a lot ...
If you want to contact the main developer of DBHD 1.4.1 please contact :
info@ing-goebel.moc - Mr. Volker Goebel / Dipl.-Ing. / Switzerland
info@dbhd-hlw.de and info@art-tel.de
You can also write a "short opinion" to Prof. Akira who brought me to work :
akira.tokuhiro@uoit.ac - Mr. Prof. Dr. Akira Tokuhiro / Univ. Ontario
>>> PLEASE - send some money - Please send money - am starving
while working for you on all the DBHD nuclear repositories ww - PLEASE
Only a 250 Mio. yrs old geology can do nuclear repository
We humans can only build temporary entrance buildings ...
We had to develop a DBHD CA plan based on the following NWMO information :
- Amount of DSC's = min. 7.812 (white Dry Storage Containers - sealed, welded)
- Decay heat per DSC = 1,175 KW (a nuclear decay heat - value from .xls table)
- Measurement of DSC's Canada = 2,41 x 2,12 x 3,55 m / 70 tons when loaded
- Safe geological storage for +100.000 years - in a suitable hostrock geology
- Selection of repository site = We propose : New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
- Safe transport to geological repository site = We propose a ship transport
DBHD 1.4.1 was accepted as Key Note contribution No. 1 to NWMDER Conference
>>> 4 th conference on shaft design and construction Canada
Do your bookings now book both conferences to be a valuable
part of the DBHD 1.4.1 Canada nuclear repository development
- http://shaft2019.cim.org/ - www.cns-snc.ca/events/nwmder2019/
>>> Ladies and Gentleman - file your "papers and studies" and make your
bookings now on : https : // www . cns-snc . ca / events / nwmder 2019 /
the 4 th Canadian conference on nuclear waste repository management ...
Actually we are working hard to complete the "full paper"
for the NWMDER Conference - Ms. Mihaela Ion allowed
us to send a far bigger size then a 1 MB paper because
the technical drawings and tables are full of very good
information but a bit heavier in data size then only text
(that will fit on the CD you want to burn - and people
can download huge files these days ... in April 2019)
With only text you will never make it to nuclear disposal
because a nuclear repository is always an entrance buil-
ding into an old geology - we get that "full paper" done for
4th NWMDER conference - we show you DBHD 1.4.1 in it ...
buildings have to be planned in technical drawings - you know
Then we received a letter from Dr. Rouben / Executive Director of
the Canadian Nuclear Society - asking for the full DBHD paper and
that we show a more scientific behavior - especially Ing. V. Goebel
>>> Choose your storage pellet
as the amount of concrete used
is one of the main price-factors
you have to make a choice now :
Thank you for making a choice
1. Canada accepted DBHD as key note contribution
No. 1 to NWMDER Conference - Thank you ...
2. Canada (NWMO) has send container measurement data and decay heat data .xls in March 2019
3. we are actually working on DBHD 1.4 Canada with given realistic waste heat data table now !
4. then we received the desired amount of DSCs we have to plan for : 7.821 DSC's in minimum !!!
... and all that happend - because NWMO just failed completely with the " 6 th safety case calculation "
on the horizontal "in the mud" empty corridor idea
that was developed ? by NWMO for so many years !
This is our company logo - we got to live from
the nuclear repository planning work we do for
your company : NWMO " Nuclear Waste Management Organisation "
we charge "every country" 375.000 EUR per year that we worked
on the "specific concept that is used to cover the clients needs" !
For DBHD 1.4.1 Canada we charge you 2.95 Mio. Canadian Dollars
NWMO can pay that in one payment, or in 10 payments over 10 years
If you make use of DBHD without payment - we sue you for the full
amont of the percentage that engineer offices get in your country
In our country that is 5 % of 12.500.000.000 CAD = 625.000.000 CAD
Therefore we find a law firm - working on a success base contract
Please send money to CH16 0070 0110 0038 6441 5 Volker Goebel
Start with at least 295.000 CAD - NOW - you have received a plan
We are thankful for your payment - after 5,25 years development
Best regards from Volker Goebel / Dipl.-Ing. / Nucl. Rep. Planner
you failed with your own nameless horizontal repository plan
without DBHD you actually have Nothing after so many years
and all the Millions of Canadian Dollars you spend on this shit
are gone !!! but you still have a team - able to work on DBHD
NWMO costs 67 Mio. CAD per year - and that for many yrs now
For years we told you, wrote you, sended you pictures like this for that you give up on the
childish, unsafe, undeep, no specific, wet, un-closeable stupid horizontal storage with all
the empty corridors ... After years now you have to confess that this idea does not work !
Do you have any idea how many other countries you miss-leaded with that stolen ideas ??
You also miss-leaded your 3 clients, your people, your politicians and your own families !!
Well, nuclear repository was a "wicked problem" until it was solved by the DBHD planning.
one of our US clients has to proof a repository plan to get a building permit for a new NPP
Actually the Canadian nuclear waste is stored in densly populated areas, and NWMO made the historic mistake, to search in the neighbouhood of these interim storages - for a long
term storage without any specific suitable hostrock geology ! because you had big fear to transport nuclear waste. Did you notice that Darlington, Pickering and Bruce are close to
the water and that the main transport can be done be Ship/Boat to a suitable geology ...
The Canadian rocksalt is deep in New Brunswick border to Nova Scotia - build DBHD there
The failed NWMO repository ideas would have polluted the Michigan lake sooner or later !
Only a deep old (250 Mio. yrs) rocksalt geology can do long term nuclear repository
And what a luck - the deep rocksalt is up north - by the big big atlantic ocean - but
where there is rocksalt for 250 Mio. yrs, there will be rocksalt for another 1 Mio. yrs
Dear NWMO - do not put it somewhere in the mud - store nuclear waste deep in rocksalt
A 250 Mio. yrs old geology from Perm age will stay another 1 Mio. years in the same place
Where there is deep rocksalt for so long - there it is dry and warm for Mio. of years now ...
You have a top super world rocksalt geology in Canada - huge, deep - and of a massive size
And your 3 clients, the people and the politicians will like the location on the borders too.
That is a safe Ship transport into a not densly populated area where there is good geology.
The people there get huge compensation payments and they like the massive invest in this far away lonely remote area. Mostly they will like the safe storage that DBHD offers them.
Only a 250 Mio. yrs old geology can do nuclear repository
We humans can only build temporary entrance buildings ...
We found some geological information from here - but it needs a certain work to draw a map like we have one from all drilling cores that reached depth around -2.300 Meters, and even then, it will need expensive probe core drilling to be sure that a certain spot of land got some DBHD geology underneath - Put the geologists at work to look into ROCKSALT !!!
We have send the official requests for rocksalt data geology to the government geologists
of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. (see copies of the requests underneath the pictures)
There is always a lot of pressure on the government geologist to give data
if a request for a nuclear repository comes in !!! - They only do their work.
Usually Geologists are very honorable people, earth scientists - that work
for the people, the industries and government - a difficult balance always
We did an official request for geology data to 4 leading geologists - they
have the honor and the pain to give out rocksalt geology data or nothing.
All in all 70 % of the people of every western country want to have a safe
geological repository - and everybody likes the idea not to have it in town.
It is the Ministry that decides if the geological information is given or not.
All i can say is - DBHD 1.4.1 is eternally safe - and that is all i can say ...
Never ever blame a government geologist for doing his public duty work.
The Geologists are people with pride and honor - never ever forget that.
Good afternoon,
I apologize for the late response but I have been away from the office. There hasn’t been a great deal of recent work on salt deposits in NB; however, I’ve attached a report on potash deposits but it is very much pertinent to the NB salt deposits as well. It also contains a listing of references that you might find applicable. There is also some information available on our website at the following link:
Hopefully you find this information helpful.
Best regards,
Kathleen Thorne, Ph.D., P.Geo.
Director / Directrice
Geological Surveys / Études géologiques
NB Dept. of Energy and Resource Development / le ministère du Développement de l’énergie et des ressources
P.O. Box 6000 / Case postale 6000
Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1
Tel. / Tel.: (506) 444-2309
Fax: / Téléc.: (506) 453-3671
It is a certain group of people, with an honest scientific technical approach that can find
the good concepts in situations when others still believe in the past ideas Generation 0.1
With DBHD 1.4.1 we worked on a repository concept that makes us best of all the plans in
the world ! The latest technologies and the most honest and radical scientific approach.
ALL 14.700 nuclear waste experts of the world have seen the DBHD .pdf and they wrote
"Thank you" and wanted more information - DBHD is approved by all the worlds experts !
and - DBHD is already lectured at the Institute of
Technology at the University of Ontario / Canada
the new logo is very nice - and good colors !
DBHD is also published in the leading engineering magazine in Canada
Canadian Consulting Engineer Journal / Edition : December 2018
Canada is not the only country we work for - All nuclear high level waste
has to go into deep rocksalt - worldwide - in many cases the countries
with NPP also got rocksalt geologies - in other cases it needs contracts
Only a 250 Mio. yrs old geology can do nuclear repository
We humas can only build temporary entrance buildings ...
Keep your Canada clean
" for YOUR next 20.000
generations of Canadians "
that includes your kids
Solve your 60 year old
nuclear waste problem
with geological storage
Is it possible to store spend Candu fuel over long time in the biosphere ??? - NO !
In the last 60 years you/me/we have not be able to make any use of the spent Candu fuel emitting hard gamma radiation - the public got enough of this old old story of re-using it !
Russia does it in BN 800 ? and each KWh cost 3 times more then before - 1. the re-using of spent fuel is dangerous (kg of PU) - 2. it is dirty and gets no permission in western countries 3. and it does not make sense at all in economic terms !!! (actually BN 800 burns MOX !)
For these 3 reasons spent fuel is worldwide going to be stored in geological repository
In Europe geological repository for spent fuel and vitrified waste is by EU law since 2010.
The people do not want to have the spent fuel in their neighbourhoods ! it is high time to store it in a safe manner, we know where it is then, if any further use is developed in the next 500 - 800 years - they can go there again to dig it out ...
12,5 Bio. CAD over 80 years = 156 Mio. CAD / year
Still too expensive !? for a 36 Mio. people country
150.240 Canadian Dollar per DSC for geological disposal
plus safe transports from interim storage to DBHD sites
It is one of our tasks to make you understand what elements DBHD is made of
and all surface installations are all going to be build back to zero after app.
3-6 years of use ... Only the upper casing pipe in ground water area stays ...
As you can see in the preview pictures we are working with your white DSC
The DBHD surface installations like work-over rig and cable-drum-house are
made for the 130 tons Castors - the DSC is only 70 tons !!! it will be possible
to save some money by smaller installations - app. from 12,5 to 11,8 Bio. CAD
Start information : there is 384 FB (fuel bundles) in one DSC
DSC = Dry Storage Container / concrete and welded metal
1x white DSC with 3,55 x 2,12 x 2,41 Meters = 1,175 KW (40 years old)
832 DSC's x 1.175 KW = 977,6 KW = 0,98 MW = 1 MW
DBHD can take up to 2,83 MW per column with German Castor container
with only 1 MW decay heat from the DSC's we are pretty safe
and the expansion by heat traffic jam will be very little - YEAH
The original question was :
can you overwork / add this Excel table please ?
We need to know how much KW or MW decay heat
from 832 DSC that is 40 years old - please help ...
>>> WooW - we got confirmation for DBHD 1.4.1 Canada
by Dr. G. Herres / University Paderborn - he had the .xls
decay heat file from NWMO - only 1 MW from 832 DSC !
(Candu spent fuel is less active then German spent fuel)
the reason for the decay heat difference is that Candu reactors work with un-enriched Uranium - while for example German reactors use enriched Uranium
In concrete pellets - the concrete-metal DSCs - are safe because :
- the mountain-pressure does not reach and open the DSC's
- the aggressive salt does not reach the DSCs metal skin
- the 300 kg Plutunium ? each DSC contain stay undercritical
- no earthquake would break a column - but single pellets can move
- no heat expansion can destroy the pellets - therefore sand fugue
but - does it really need "so much" concrete ? (German Angst)
is 5 meter to all directions the right distance ? (German Angst)
or does 1.5 meters also do a good work there ? (Canada Real ! )
that is the old NWMO calculation - the numbers for DBHD are not much different
DBHD offers a real suitable repository geology
DBHD comes with an acceptable location
DBHD is deep, dry and safe
DBHD is closeable
you might wonder about the Magnetit powder within the DBHD concrete pellets - during the thermodynamic calculation we found out that the concrete does not allow the heat to come out as quick as required - therefore we must add some Magnetit to push up the thermal conductivity - there is 1.203 m3 concrete and 70 m3 Magnetit per storage pellet within DBHD 1.4.1 Canada.
>>> Choose your storage pellet
as the amount of concrete used
is one of the main price-factors
you have to make a choice :
Dear Mr. Volker Goebel:
On behalf of the NWMDER 2019 Program Committee, I am pleased
to inform you that the following submission has been accepted
to appear at the conference:
DBHD - Deep Big Hole Disposal in deep rocksalt New
Brunswick / Nova Scotia
To upload your revised abstract and full paper, please visit the following site:
The full paper formatting instructions are available on the conference website, under Author Information:
Looking forward to receiving your full paper.
Best Regards,
Paul Gierszewski
Track Chair, 6. Used Nuclear Fuel & High Level Waste Management
Dear Dr. Paul Gierzewski,
Dear Prof. Dr. Akira Tokuhiro, Dear Dr. G. Herres, Dear Prof. Dr. Philipp,
Dear NWMO repository team Toronto Canada,
Thank you very much for accepting the DBHD proposal submission
That looks very much like a start for a cooperation NWMO & DBHD
First i inform Prof. Dr. Akira Tokuhiro - then i complete the paper ...
We are thinking about safe ship transport to New Brunswick sites.
We are thinking about safe ship transport to Nova Scotia sites too.
Will you please send information about the Canadian spend fuel
container including height, width, length and weight - for sure we
also need details on how to attach it to a cable to make you the
plan for DBHD 1.4.1 Canada. - send data to : info@ing-goebel.moc
(16 March - most of the requird data was send by NWMO now)
Please save some money to be able to " invite " me for a week ...
Ing. Goebel wants to present DBHD 1.4.1 at NWMDER conference
Am sure that Prof. Dr. Akira Tokuhiru and i will be able to bring
the required solutions into NWMO for that you succeed with the
most wicked storage problem we ever had to find a solution for.
Wish you a very good and successful day in beautiful Canada.
Best regards to you and best greetings to NWMO team from
Volker Goebel / Dipl.-Ing.
Nuclear Repository Planner ww
It is the owners of the Canadian Nuclear Power Plants who decide
the shareholders of : Ontario Power Generation, Bruce Power and
New Brunswick Power (also acting on behalf of their local clients)
it is also the Canadian people and politicians of Canada who decide
NWMO and Dipl.-Ing. Volker Goebel has to follow these decisions ...
Do you want an 80 years program for deep safe geological nuclear repository ???
the cost of geological long term storage in DBHD 1.4.1 Canada
for each of the white 70 tons DSC is 150.240,- Canadian Dollars
plus transport from interim storage to big hole on disposal site
the european approach to nuclear repository is "fully in public"
to win the trust of the people living in the repository area - to
win the trust of the society & the politicians (it's by law here)
DBHD 1.4.1 Canada is confirmed in a thermodynamic way !
the cost of geological long term storage in DBHD 1.4.1 Canada
for each of the white 70 tons DSC is 150.240,- Canadian Dollars
plus transport from interim storage to big hole on disposal site
the european approach to nuclear repository is "fully in public"
to win the trust of the people living in the repository area - to
win the trust of the society & the politicians (it's by law here)
DBHD 1.4.1 Canada is confirmed in a thermodynamic way !
the cost of geological long term storage in DBHD 1.4.1 Canada
for each of the white 70 tons DSC is 150.240,- Canadian Dollars
plus transport from interim storage to big hole on disposal site
the european approach to nuclear repository is "fully in public"
to win the trust of the people living in the repository area - to
win the trust of the society & the politicians (it's by law here)
DBHD 1.4.1 Canada is confirmed in a thermodynamic way !
>>> NWMO rejected in South Bruce too - Never give non planners, non architects, not builders - a building task - they will always fail !!! - #NWMO #Canada #Stupid #Like #Shit
Why DBHD 1.4.1 Canada is a safe repository that lasts tight 1-10 million years :
- safety arises from storage in a 250 million year old rocksalt geology !
We assume that a geology sited there dry and warm for 250 million years
will stay another 1-10 million years more dry and warm there - Safe storage
- the DBHD stores so deep, that even deep ice age scarfs do not reach the
deep nuclear repository (check the existing scarf depth in your country)
- every meter distance between the biosphere and the later open DSCs is
a meter safety - there is radiation, fast gases and toxic to keep away ...
- in rock salt even the hardest gamma radiation only reaches 30 cm far !!!
- The rock salt does not allow volatile gases such as the IOD 129 escape !!!
- The rock salt also isolate the highly toxic properties of nuclear waste !!!
- The safety arises from the good quality storage depth -1.350 to -2.100 m.
- The safety arises from the perfect closure - it is salt grain from the hole
drilling filled back in the hole and the XXL mountain pressure presses it
again to rock salt - a perfect closure that can only be done mountain
pressure! (Depth required) Expanding Bentonite would shrink later ...
- We work with your white DSC / HLW container as the 70 tons DSC container is !
- the all-round 1.5 m. concrete encapsulation is an additional watertight barrier
that also keeps the mountain pressure away from your not so solid container type
- slidable single concrete pellets are poured - a column could break in an earthquake
- 1 meters of sand layer between the pellets because of the thermal expansion.
We will reach the planned drilling depth - even if the walls there are +63°C hot
when we arrive there - the slow geothermal heat flow "in the mountain" is with
only 5.4 W / mK rather minimal, so that the wall and the floor remain relatively
cool when the ventilation and the Flow-Ice buckets have cooled the environment
The new amount of heat is low - DBHD will reach - 2.100 meters storage depth.
Risks: To bring down the 70 tons DSC/HLW Container you have to put it on one
Transport steel or Dynema rope diameter 60 mm ! - Should a DSC crash down
onto 7 more waiting HLW containers i will certainly open one - then we must
give up the hole and close as planned. Or we just poor some concrete over it ?
Every DSC/HLW transport is a risk transport because even a bazooka / Panzerfaust
can open the most expensive containers ever. - We can be glad to have the DSC's
and other good containers - protect containers with a weapon proof hull during
street transport. It needs armored wagons for the many transports. Safety first.
The safety gain from the geological DBHD disposal is worth these risks. Nobody can
effectively guard the interim storage facilities - especially not for very long periods ...
DBHD 1.4 has passed a second thermodynamic detection. (Dr. G. Herres / Germany)
(the deeper German version - for the Canada version we have to calculate again ...)
What has to come now is the numerical long-term proof in Comsol Multiphysics.
For sure NWMO experts can calculate that - but is always good to double check.
Aging of DSC containers by corrosion, heat transport in the rock salt layer, and
Earthquakes, and IOD 129 inclusion and and - that is a task for GRS Germany, or
Amphos 21 Spain, or VTT Finland to work on it. (Offers are currently available)
Calculate : Geo-mechanics, Geo-chemistry, Corrosion and Thermodynamics
This is an XL calculation in Comsol Multiphysics - Multichemics - Very time-consuming ...
The geometry of the DBHD 1.4.1 Canada / DSC must be taken over exactly in 3D please.
A safe nuclear repository is possible and Canada got the deep rocksalt geology for it.
MfG - Volker Goebel - Dipl.-Ing. - nuclear repository planner ww
What it needs NOW is the 1 Mio. yrs proof CALCULATIONES - with parallel AGING-SIMULATION
Themes : Thermo-Dynamics - Geo-Mechanics - Geo-Chemics and Corrosion - Comsol or Ansys
>>> Time Table Plan for "10 x DBHD 1.4.1 Canada nuclear repository"
it takes app. 73 to 80 years to build the 10 DBHD in deep rocksalt of
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia >> NWMO, OPG, Bruce and NB Power
Only a 250 Mio. yrs old geology can do nuclear repository
We humans can only build temporary entrance buildings
based on DBHD Canada we managed to develop a better DBHD 1.4.2 International nuclear repository plan